You will have significant experiences.
I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of
them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh
your memory of these meaningful and significant things.
Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you.
Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some
may build upon another until they represent a lifetime of
special experiences.
- Gordon B Hinckley

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Everett's Fourth Surgery...

Dear Family and Friends,

It’s been over two years since I’ve written about Everett and our fight with prematurity.  The last time I wrote about him, he’d just been diagnosed with ADHD and we were scrambling to find the help he/we needed.  Two years later, we’ve settled into a really great place, armed with a team of experts at school, in the community and at CHLA who have been showing us the way toward living and thriving with the diagnosis.  And thrive he does.  Everett is, as always, doing exceptionally well…amazing us with his smart brain and his miraculous body.  He remains the sweetest child, always eager to please, willing to help, completely devoted to his family and friends, and wise beyond his almost nine years. 

The effects of Everett’s prematurity are always with him.  He/we have learned to work with them and they rarely slow him down.  He understands that his body works a little differently because he was born so early.  He’s been working with an ADHD coach who has helped him learn about his unique brain and the incredible things it is capable of.  However, one day this summer Everett let us know that his body has been in pain for quite some time.  After seeing a doctor here, we made the trip back to see his surgeon at CHLA who found that he’s experiencing a common complication from his previous abdominal surgeries.  The scar tissue in his abdomen is pulling on other structures in his belly, causing him constant pain.  While he says the pain gets better and worse throughout the day, he is never without some level of discomfort.  As a result, we head back to CHLA for surgery on Wednesday, August 22nd.  

Compared to the surgeries he’s already endured, this surgery will be minimal.  It is scheduled as an outpatient surgery, meaning we will get to go home the same day.  But handing your child over to a surgeon is never easy.  It goes against every single instinct in your body to protect your child from harm and pain.  It’s also trickier this time as Everett is old enough to reason but not quite old enough to understand.  He knows that he’s in pain and understands that he needs surgery to make the pain stop.  But he is concerned about the logistics of being cut open, the blood, and the new scars on his body (we will be adding two more).  We are concerned about his recovery (he has to be “down” for a week) and his ability to tolerate his dressings after surgery.  Oh and the thought of putting him back on a ventilator, even for a short time, scares me to my core (completely irrational fear, I know, but it’s there).  

One fascinating thing is that even though Everett was only 14 months old at the time of his last surgery, he’s told us he remembers some components of it.  He remembers the mask over his face with “the gross tasting air.”  And he very clearly has some memory of all the tape that was placed on his body during his first year of life (from IVs, breathing and feeding tubes, his ostomy bags).  Everett has always struggled with adhesive aversion.  Meaning he doesn’t tolerate stickers, tape or band aids on his skin…at all.  His therapist calls it “pre-verbal trauma” meaning while he can’t recall the memory of all the tape on his body, he knows the sensation and is terrified by it.  As a result, he’s rarely tolerated any type of adhesive on his body.  In anticipation of this surgery, we’ve been working with his therapist.  In our session, she placed a band aid on his skin then taught him relaxation techniques to help decrease his anxiety.  He clawed at his arm and whimpered for the entire 10 minutes the band aid was on.  It was almost unbearable to watch.  So now we are looking at adhesive alternatives to get him through this surgery.  

We are so thankful that his surgeon, the one who saved his life eight years ago, is going to do the surgery.  While we haven’t seen her in seven years, I still send her letters and pictures twice a year so she can keep up on Everett’s life.  When I spoke with her before our appointment she brought up the letters.  She said she and her office look forward to them every Fall and Spring.  They keep them all in a file and when a new one arrives they pull them all out to compare and see if he has new glasses (which I find hysterical).  I told her I was excited for her to “meet” Everett again.  I told her he is the sweetest child.  She said “Of course he is.  That’s because of all the love you poured into him to will him to survive.”  At those words, I lost it and cried, like ugly cried, into the phone.  It just goes to show that she too thinks he is a miracle.  I hope someday she shows his pictures to a another family, who maybe has been given as devastating odds as we were, and can tell them that odds aren’t everything and can show them that miracles really do happen. 

If you, Everett’s prayer warriors, could think some good thoughts and send up some prayers on his behalf, we’d appreciate it.  He’s already been through so much and sometimes I feel like the world asks too much of this little boy.  But then I remember that there hasn’t been one thing we’ve asked of him which he couldn’t accomplish in his own way, in his own time.  So I know he’s got this. 

Always with love and gratitude,

The Bollinger Family  

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